Return Of Physical Right To Work Checks Postponed Until 5th April 2022

The return of physical right to work checks has been postponed for the third time, until 5th April 2022.

The delay was put in place on 26th August 2021, following influence and lobbying from industry bodies, UK employers, and members of parliament.

This is good news for UK businesses as this practice, not only protects job seekers, but ensures they can get into work easier.

What Are The Temporary Covid Measures To Right To Work Checks?

On 30th March 2020, temporary changes were made to right to work checks, which include:

  • Checks being carried out over video calls
  • Job applicants and existing workers can send scanned documents or a photo of documents for checks using email or a mobile app, rather than sending originals
  • Employers can use the Employer Checking Service if a prospective or existing employee cannot provide any of the accepted documents

On 5th April 2022, this is due to change and UK employers will need see physical documents when hiring.

In short, this means employers must be in possession of the original documents.

Scanned documents will NO LONGER be accepted. Or, employers can use the Home Office right to work online service (only applicable for certain visa types and statuses; NOT British nationals). 

Concerns Regarding This Change To Right To Work Checks

Despite the Home Office’s interest in building a digital identity, this shift appears to be technology-adverse, and could severely impact people’s work options and business performance.

Firstly, the use of digital technology is considered more secure, is faster and efficient, and is better at deterring illegal working. This change is, overall, less secure and safe.

Secondly, the modern labour market has shifted towards flexible, remote working (spearheaded by the COVID-19 pandemic). This change could prove a serious challenge to the market.

And thirdly, this change will require new processes, which will slow down business performance, at a time when the economy is in a serious need of a boost.

What Should Employers Do

The following approach should ensure compliance, whilst minimising the need for face-to-face right to work checks:

  • You should look to put together an internal policy for right to work checks, which makes all relevant staff (recruitment, HR) aware of the change coming into force.
  • Online right to work checks should be used where possible. The individual must be present at the time of the check, even via a live video link.
  • You must allocate adequate resource that allows you and relevant staff to securely receive, review and return physical documents required for manual right to work checks. As an employer, you should consider conducting manual checks with with the individual present via a video link (rather than face to face).


By law, the way in which right to work checks will change in April 2022, and must be performed in the aforementioned way.

There are hopes that The Home Office will allow digital right to work checks permanently, without the need for physical checks by next year.

At EBC Global, we are keeping a keen eye on this current situation. For updates, please follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also, you can bookmark our blog.

Further Reading

Post-Brexit right to work checks | What employers must know

EU Settlement Scheme Applications – What Employers Need To Know

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