Tag: DBS checks

Background Screening in Local Councils

Background Screening in Local Councils Background Screening in Local Councils

Background Screening in Local Councils Background screening is essential as local councils hold the critical responsibility of fostering safe and thriving communities, a role that demands the utmost diligence in their hiring and vetting processes. In light of the recent incident involving an ex-councillor’s shocking crimes, the need for thorough background screening has never been […]

Hiring Fraud Prevention In The UK

Hiring Fraud Prevention In The UK Hiring Fraud Prevention

Hiring fraud is a growing issue in the UK, posing significant risks to businesses and the economy. As recruitment processes become faster and more technologically advanced, the dangers associated with fraud also rise.   Understanding Hiring Fraud Hiring fraud refers to deceptive practices during recruitment. It can be committed by individuals seeking employment or by […]

How Long Does An Enhanced DBS Check Take?

How Long Does An Enhanced DBS Check Take?

In the UK, there are three different types of criminal record checks (also known as DBS checks) that are available to employers. These are basic, standard, and enhanced. An enhanced DBS check is the most detailed check available to employers. It is carried out on employees and volunteers who will be working with vulnerable adults […]

How Employment Checks Can Reduce Staff Turnover

How Employment Checks Can Reduce Staff Turnover Staff Turnover

The cost of staff turnover can be extremely high for any organisation. Depending on your company’s recruiting, onboarding, and orientation costs, this can range from 33% to 200% of the departed employee’s salary. These organisations have found many methods to reduce staff turnover and its costs. One of which is an employment background check process. […]